These photographs have been manipulated to download more easily. This means that they are not as sharp as the originals - the black and white ones in particular look a little washed out.
Remember, you can click on any image to see it full size.
So, if you would like a copy of a special image, just send a note to Rhys@4rhys.com - please put RHYS in the subject line - Rhys gets a lot of junk mail.
We have lots more photographs. We will add the special ones to this collection.
| This is Rhys and Anthony at the Waldorf Astoria. They are in the closet where Anthony used to sleep - Rhys always found Anthony amusing and he humored him - you can tell by the look on Rhys' face. AJ is waiting to punce on his Grandmother.
A slightly re-touched photo of jes and Rhys cruising in the Golf cart.
Art All-State Certificate. |
CD Jewel Case Cover Photo. |
Dee and Rhys - age 2. |
Rhys playing his DW Drums, |
Written above Rhys headboard |
The T Shirt is by Aboriginies |
The flash almost washed it out... |
Cory's 18th Birthday |
Jes baked a cake |
And Rhys decorated it |
And some icing |
Take a picture |
And Voilla ! |
Frank Zappa |
Rhys read to them all |
from a joke book |
Yale New Haven Hospital. 1st Photo. 10.05 lbs. |
Casey, Will, Ian, June, Rhys |
Rhys, Ian, Will, Dave, Matt, Justin |
The two books Rhys had packed for Europe |
From Rhys' room |
Rhys' Bookmark |
From Rhys' room |
Jes took this. It's titled "enclosed" and is dated 2000 |
Rhys looking at Jes |
Rhys in Italy - Spring 2003 |
Rhys Xmas 2002 |
Rhys on his 18th Birthday. 2/12/2003 |
Rhys at his cousin Mark's wedding. Summer 2002 |
Rhys driving "Q" |
Rhys on "Q" - He never really liked the boat. He learned to drive uncle Rodney's boat on the Thames when he was 10 and left it at that. These were taken at Cuttyhunk and at Oak Bluffs on the Vineyard.
Rhys at Wendy and Joey's wedding. |
| Anthony wrote this in May 2001. This was before his brother started doing "Jumps" in the Golf Cart. He used to watch and listen...
The poor little golf cart
We were driving along on the Jenkins estate we went down a drop, avoiding the rocks. We rolled it over straight into the lake. It took 5 of us to get it out of the lake, 1 of us drove while the rest of us shoved. It finally came and we drove it up to the fixing place, and now its mainly put to getter with glue and tape.
| Matt turned 18 this weekend. He had Rhys' favorite word tattoo'd on his arm in rememberance.
He also broke his hand hitting a locker during the last week of school. He hit the locker instead of the kid that said someting unkind about Rhys.
It was probably the same kid that wrote the ugly little note in the guest book.